Monday, January 31, 2011

Appreciating Contacts.

You know what's funny? Sometimes I'll say something witty off the top of my head intending to be serious and suddenly the wording makes other people laugh. I like that! I appreciate that others see my charm. My wit, my je nai se quois. Ok, ok so I'm not gonna get too arrogant but I'm just saying. Its a nice thing. That's it. Well if you're gonna press the issue, fine. I like that someone else is happy and knowing I did it. That makes me feel proud. I feel like a man now. I can rest happy. That's all I've ever hoped for. That and to not be teased for it. Not to say someone would tease me. I'm glad that they don't. Like ok, today I got an email. Someone I know that's busy told me she appreciates me. That made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Its like being warmed by an electric blanket. What I did about it was reply first, compliment her back and them came here to tell you about it. I felt obligated because you're my audience and you love to hear what I have to say. You're welcome, I feel glad to tell you about it.

Friends that complain together, stay together.

Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt on TV's Mad About You.
Image courtesy of:
In Front Productions.
Nuance Productions.
TriStar Television.
Sony Pictures Television.
All rights reserved.

Not to vaguely twist the subject but this is what I love about you. You guys are always so quiet. I don't think I've gotten a comment on any of my posts in days. I mean it'd be nice to get comments but its almost like out of some kinda respect that alot of you don't. Which is perfectly fine with me. I mean if you don't like to talk, that's cool. I just think it would be nice sometime if we could all get a conversation going. Then maybe everyone would feel this good and spread the wealth of knowing what it means to appreciate good contacts. For now I'm just glad that its still intimate and special. Good friends are like inexpensive vintage wines: hard to find but leave a sweet taste in your mouth.

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  1. I know exactly how ya feel. I think you know what I'm referring to. You're feelings about entertaining and making others laugh mirror what my feelings are as well, though I haven't had anyone email to compliment me on making their day better, but I'd like to think I did :)

  2. Yeah, I know what you mean. It'll happen. It didn't happen when I was first in college either. Its just alot of constant companionship that get people to be like hey its... that guy. =/ Hahaha! They always knew my face but not my name. This past decade its almost entirely turned around. I'm thinking at the going rate it'll all balance out somehow. I hate to be cliche when I say this but patience is as they say a virtue and its own reward. Be a sucker for getting the door slammed in your face enough and soon enough *someone* is bound to take pity on ya. =P
