Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Trouble with Females.

Tonight I got a call from a friend of mine in Canada. He's a semi-pro wrestler. Well after discussing Ring of Honor (ROH), WWE and TNA the topic switched to Women. We came to a conclusion: Women are hot, they're great company and all *but* they tend to want their cake and eat it too. They do a lot for us guys, I will admit but that's out of love. When we actually want to open up ourselves and show how we love them back then to women we men are considered gross pigs. We say they're attractive, of course but whereas for each other we men let something go as just being cool if its pointed out, for women what we say has to really slather on the praise for them or we shouldn't even bother complimenting. So we whistle, we hoot and holler vulgarities. Somehow though, that winds us up in the doghouse. Either we've been condescending or it somehow appears that we "didn't mean it." Well, what is someone to do in that situation? You can go after her and attempt to talk it out of course but that's tricky. I learned a long, long time ago that self-deprecating humor counts for a lot. Women don't like pushy or violently aggressive guys. She wants you to admit that you're the jerk. That you've disappointed her. How that is supposed to help us with our own insecurities I'll never understand. Anyways, I take that to mean she wants someone to do the things she wishes she could do. To be her hero. Well I don't know about you but for me, I think its taken us men four hundred years just to be heroic American guys that other guys want to buy a beer. How are we supposed to learn in one *night* how to be the women that other women learn from? *This* is why men *die* earlier.

The doctor is in. Kelsey Grammar on Frasier.
Image courtesy of:
Grub Street Productions.
Paramount Network Television.
CBS Television Distribution.
All rights reserved.

I'll be taking your comments all year. Leave a comment and feel free to share your story. Perhaps between all of us we'll be able to crack this nut together.

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  1. This is interesting, if you're a straight dick! Just kidding!

  2. Hahahaha! I know and I appreciate your posting here at all. Thank you.

  3. Interesting what I read so far. My two cents: men tend to be stubborn and don't want to learn new things. If you (and all men) want to be successful with women (and with all people for that matter), you have to willing to ask for advice from various sources and actually listen and take it in. Also read books on the subject. Not that you have to agree with everything you hear and read.... but HAVE AN OPEN MIND. Especially listen to your older and wiser female friends (such as me).... when we give advice and suggestions. It's not meant to put you down and make you feel like a jerk. It's clues for how womens' minds work. Don't just do the macho thing and think that you know it all and can't learn. That's my advice.See More

  4. Astute observation, Ms. Anonymous. I agree that men have egos on occasion but that's because it occurs to me we have this need to overcompensate. How are we supposed to be the providers ourselves if you women are always providing for us? We're like spoiled children whining as we cry "no, let me do it!" We know you're right but its embarrassing to admit because for having so much testosterone the last place we looked before learning was the same place we had should've been looking the whole time: in your eyes.
